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- 18إجمالي المتعلمين
- 1إجمالي الجلسات
- Feb 28, 2013نشط منذ
- Brooklyn, United Statesموقع
حول Fern Langham
A biomedical engineer by education, a teacher and wellness professional by training, and an entrepreneur and healer at heart, I uniquely integrate my background with an emphasis on soul-centered, whole-body nourishment. My intention is to give you the tools you need to look and feel your best. After working under some of the world’s brightest minds in the world of health, yoga instructors, nutritionists, acupuncturists, chiropractors, and integrative doctors, I have gained knowledge and experience that has revolutionized my lifestyle. After years of struggling with undiagnosed food allergies, digestive...
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